Purium Gives!
~ Purium Gives ~
501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization
What is it?
With this program, any 501(c)(3) non-profit organization receives a FREE Launch Pack and unlimited gift cards. The organization creates their own Gift Card code so they can directly receive commissions/donations. 20% of their campaign sales goes directly to their fundraising efforts.
Who is it for?
Any organization registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Examples:
- Private schools
- Club sports
- Booster club
- Churches and Temples
- Hospitals
How does it work?
The organization can give out their Gift Card code to ANYONE involved with their organization, be they members or supporters. A typical customer can generate over $1,000 in sales activity over their lifetime and the organization will earn 20% of that. There is no cost to purchase a Launch Pack and no products to distribute. There will be significant savings for all members of the organization. All marketing materials are electronic, so this fundraising initiative can be national in scope.
Additional benefits
Fundraising with Purium superfoods products is:
- Healthier than candy drives or bake sales
- More eco-friendly than gift wrap sales
- Continuous, not temporary, so fundraising potential is HIGH!
To enroll in the free program:
- Go to https://puriumenrollment.com
- Click "ENROLL" to add a “Launch Pack” with unlimited Gift Cards. The $199 charge will be zeroed out by choosing non-profit and uploading a copy of your organization’s letter of determination.
- On the Add Products page, under "Order Details" click “NEXT” to skip the adding products step.
- On the Account Information page, at the top, enter the Referral Code
(case-sensitive, no spaces): TaraAlder - Under Account Type, choose “Non-profit” as your account type. You will be asked to upload your 501(c)(3) letter of determination. This will zero out your balance due!
- Under Account Details, create your very own referral code (6 to 25 characters, no spaces), and enter it in the space provided. This code will appear on the Gift Cards you receive in your Launch Pack.
- Fill out the remainder of the form and complete your order.
Have questions?
Contact Tara at (541)-513-7894 or email: taralyn@alderbrooke.com
Every therapy, service, and product described or presented on this web site is NOT a cure for any disease, ailment, or health condition. NO MEDICAL CLAIMS are expressed or implied, either directly or indirectly, regarding the therapies, products, or services presented herein. We do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe.
The information presented in this website should NOT be construed as medical advice. Colon Hydrotherapists DO NOT diagnose, prescribe, insert, cure or prevent any disease. You should always discuss your medical history with your own personal practitioner licensed by law.
For the most current services, scheduling, products, and policies information, visit my new website, TaraAlder.com.
Contact Tara
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