Alder Brooke Healing Arts I-ACT Certified Training opportunities
are available Eugene, Oregon.
Contact Tara for more info.
Training Testimonials
Optional Additional Study Materials
Thank you for considering studying colon hydrotherapy with me. I look forward to working with you.
The lesson plan and lectures at Alder Brooke will cover areas concerning business and office procedures, ethics, health and sanitation, anatomy and physiology focusing on the digestive system, colon hydrotherapy – theory, history and practice including indications for the therapy and contra-indications. Some classes include complementary modalities when time permits and student requirements are completed. All students have the opportunity to practice with a minimum of 30 sessions as required by I-ACT for the professional colon hydrotherapy certification.
You must be a member in good standing with I-ACT in order to gain Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Certification. The application for I-ACT membership and to become certified as a Professional Colon Hydrotherapist may be downloaded here. The same application together with the membership packet may be downloaded here. The current fee for membership is $150.00 a year.
The lesson plan and requirements for all certifications through I-ACT
are listed on their web site at
as well as below.
Remember that I-ACT requirements are different than Alder Brooke Healing Arts lesson assignments. If you want to only attain certification through I-ACT, please let me know. The additional assignments are not I-ACT requirements and are for your learning benefit through Alder Brooke Healing Arts.
I have found that students do well when they come to class prepared.
The additional assignments are designed to help you gain a strong foundation
of education that you may demonstrate and apply here in the training program.
With diligent home study and practice in the training program you will accelerate your learning process and enjoy the time here as you gain new skills, learn the tricks of the trade and enhance your touch working hands-on with clients.
I am pleased to invite you to the customized courses that I offer. These are professional colon hydrotherapy certification courses. I am certified to teach on both open and closed systems. Students will have an opportunity to learn the open system at Alder Brooke in Eugene, OR. See to learn about the open system. This system is a unique FDA registered professional colon hydrotherapy device. I-ACT recognizes both open and closed systems, therapist and clients choose their preference. At Alder Brooke we offer training on the LIBBE open system only. We offer both I-ACT professional colon hydrotherapy certification and LIBBE certification. In addition to the open system, I have over 10,000 hours of experience on the closed system. Please contact me if you wish to receive training at your location on your own equipment.
Most classes and sessions are designed from Monday through Friday. Class times are from 8am to 6pm most days.
When you enroll I will send the assignments with instructions. The books need to be purchased separately. Let me know if you have trouble getting any of the books. The "Principals for Colonic Irrigation" is sometimes challenging to find as it is out of print, I could send you a lender of that if necessary. You may try
Please begin by printing and filling out the registration form which you can download here.
I will then send you an enrollment agreement. Please fill it out the best you can including the dates and tuition amounts. When you enroll, a non-refundable fee of $1777.00 is required. Payment by credit card or check is acceptable. The remainder of tuition is due three weeks before class begins as is outlined on the agreement.
Thanks again for your interest. I am excited that you may be joining us. If you need other or additional arrangements please ask. I will do my best to accommodate you.
I look forward to connecting with you more soon!
Tara Alder
Instructor with the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy
This Course Offers Training In
- How to use, sanitize and maintain the LIBBE professional colon hydrotherapy device
- How to be Certified as a Professional Colon Hydrotherapist through the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) and the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy (NBCHT)
- History and Theory of Colon Hydrotherapy
- Anatomy / Physiology and Microbiology (at the school we focus on the Digestive System)
- Indications and Contraindications
- Colon Hydrotherapy Procedures
- Actual "Hands on Sessions" • Health & Sanitation
- How to Build Your Business • Business & Ethics
- Safe Advertising
- Eating to enhance Colon Hygiene
Your Physician / Dr. must write an Rx with your personal name on it;
suggest "Colonics as needed". Physicians may choose
to use their own prescription pad, or write a letter. A form is available
for download here.
You will be giving and getting colonics among your fellow students.
You will also be disinfecting (cleaning) the colon hydrotherapy instruments and will also do your share of cleaning toilets, laundry, and housekeeping. It is a must that you wear scrubs or appropriate clothing, you may get bleach and/or cleaning chemicals on your nice clothes. Dress Comfortably - in Layers... Also, please be sensitive to our clients - Limit Scented Fragrances! You may also consider leaving your fine jewelry at home. Please remove nail polish and clip your nails down before class. Please, No Pagers or cell phones, during lectures, presentations or sessions. Breaks will be provided.
Absolutely, No Selling or Promoting of your own Products, this is a conflict --- you're here to learn!!
There are additional ground rules here for the class that will be reviewed during the first morning of class. Please let us know if you have any conflicts with these requests prior to attending when possible.
Schedule your Departure back home on Friday, after 5:00 PM - the last
day of Training!
Plan to leave from the Training Facility on the last day after 5 pm.
Arrive with an open mind, ready to give, share and receive. As you listen and learn new methods of improving client communication you will gain the skill to build your business safely, professionally and legally.
The LIBBE Colon Hydrotherapy System
Alder Brooke is a Recognized I-ACT Colon Hydrotherapy School and a Certified LIBBE Device Training Facility.
Visit the LIBBE web site at for more information on the LIBBE device. Tiller Mind Body Inc. is the creator of the finest FDA registered open colonic system that I know of. Even if you practice on a closed system you will benefit from the "LIBBE" training.
Tiller Mind Body, Inc. offers benefits to Alder Brooke students which include a $1000 discount on the purchase of a new LIBBE device. Please contact me for more details on their discount program.
A sample of a practitioner order is provided with the "Contract of Sale". Contact manufacturers for these documents. See your manufacturer of preference for details.
U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Requirements
FDA (Class II.) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices
and are approved only for colon cleansing, when medically indicated,
such as before radiologic or endoscopic examinations.
To purchase or use a LIBBE Device and LIBBE Rectal Tubes, or other FDA registered class II systems and tubes, a practitioner licensed by the laws of the state or country of the user, must direct the use of such device.
Certification Basics
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT)
National Board of Colon Hydrotherapy (NBCHT)
I-ACT Tests are offered during training, we do not charge a fee to proctor your tests.
I-ACT Fees are: Full Annual Membership - $150.00
These Fees are payable to I-ACT. We deliver application to the I-ACT Office for you.
More information regarding I-ACT certification may be found
More information regarding NBCHT certification may be found here.
I-ACT membership applications may be downloaded here. You may send it to the I-ACT office if you want to begin your membership now and start receiving the benefits or bring with you to training. The sooner you apply, the sooner you will start receiving the I-ACT Quarterly Newsletter's and other great professional information. I would be happy to be your sponsor so you may write my name on the space appropriate on the application.
Download the NBCHT study handbook here.
Course Options & Fees
I-ACT 1 year membership plus required correspondence course work for certified professional colon hydrotherapy.
$1777 (non-refundable)
I-ACT Certified Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Training (265 hours)
- Correspondence coursework.
- Certified LIBBE device training.
- I-ACT required apprenticeship hours.
I-ACT Advanced Level Training (30-50 hours)
- Correspondence coursework.
- Certified LIBBE device training.
- I-ACT required apprenticeship hours.
25-50 hours Certified LIBBE Device Training:
- Correspondence coursework.
- Use of LIBBE device.
- LIBBE device installation basics.
- LIBBE device plumbing basics.
- LIBBE device maintenance.
- LIBBE device supplies.
- Ordering LIBBE device supplies.
- LIBBE device session setup.
- LIBBE device cleaning.
- LIBBE device close down.
- LIBBE device indications and contraindications.
- LIBBE device MDR (medical device reporting).
$188/hour - Continuing Education/Apprenticeship
- Correspondence coursework (included only if you register for 6 or more hours training)
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Hygiene
- Ethics
- Business and Marketing
- Multi-organ Detox and Regeneration
- Nutrition
- Lifestyle
- Complementary modalities
Books are sold separately as prices fluctuate.
Lodging accommodations are made separate from Alder Brooke training programs.
A non-refundable $1777.00 fee is required to reserve your enrollment in classes. Payment of tuition in full is required three weeks before class begins.
Checks are preferred and Master Card and Visa are welcome.
Discounts toward future purchase of New Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment may be applicable. See details with the manufacturer of your preference.
Optional Additional Study Materials
(Not an I-ACT requirement, only for your learning benefit)
Books for Essays and multiple choice questions
(Assignments with instructions will be sent via e-mail and are to be
completed and returned before attending lectures and sessions)
Digestive Wellness by Elizabeth Lipski, M.S., C.C.N.
Renew Your Life by Brenda Watson, CCT
Colon Health – Key to a Vibrant Life by Dr. Norman Walker
Essentials of Human Anatomy by Elaine Marieb
Health Begins In The Colon by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN
The Principles of Colonic Irrigation: Jilie Collings.
Download the NBCHT study handbook here.
Download additional I-ACT literature here.
I also recommend viewing the DVD by Brenda Watson titled "The H.O.P.E. Formula" and the DVD by Dr. Edward Group titled "The Secret To Health". There will be no written assignments for these DVDs, they have great graphics and can be helpful with your learning process.
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Contact Tara
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