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Following Your Session


Dear Friend,

Thank you for coming to see me recently. I appreciate you sharing yourself, it is good to get to know you. I am here to support you even when you're not in my office. Click the "Support After Your Session" link below for some great reminders of how to best care for yourself after a colonic, some examples of sensations you may experience following your session, and other educational information.

I look forward to seeing you again soon. Enjoy a clean, new you!


Support After Your Session



abha tree



Every therapy, service, and product described or presented on this web site is NOT a cure for any disease, ailment, or health condition. NO MEDICAL CLAIMS are expressed or implied, either directly or indirectly, regarding the therapies, products, or services presented herein. We do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe.

The information presented in this website should NOT be construed as medical advice. Colon Hydrotherapists DO NOT diagnose, prescribe, insert, cure or prevent any disease. You should always discuss your medical history with your own personal practitioner licensed by law.


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purple-heart For the most current services, scheduling, products, and policies information, visit my new website, TaraAlder.com. purple-heart

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